What is spiritual growth?
Whatever we do in our lives, whatever relationships we have, whatever possessions we acquire, the main thing about us is our state of mind. We think of the mind (including feelings and intentions as well as thoughts) as the spirit, so any development that leads us to a greater state of inner peace and contentment we call “spiritual growth.”
Why is spiritual growth important?
This program goes on the assumption that even though we are very much the products of our heredity, shaped by our life experiences, there are some things that we can do to improve the quality of our internal, or spiritual life.
How is spiritual growth encouraged in a Choose Joy Now group?
The concept of the program is fairly simple. Each meeting includes input on one way in which we can improve our spiritual life, ending with a task which the participants are invited to put into practice in the following week. In the next meeting, each person has an opportunity to share what it was like doing the task. We learn from our own practice and from each other.
Guidelines for sharing:
Guidelines for listening: