Task 1 End of Life
Making Choices At The End Of Life Task 1 Remember that you are in charge of your health My family
Making Choices At The End Of Life Task 1 Remember that you are in charge of your health My family
You and Your Body Task 2 Remind yourself that you have a body and are not your body We have
Ask for Help Task 3 Be willing to ask for help As children we learn independence. Sometimes in later life
Feeling Useless Task 4 When you feel useless because of your condition, remember that doing spiritual work is a way
Living In The Present Task 5 When you find yourself dreading something in the future, put your attention on something
Making a Shift in our Attitude to Death Task 6 When you think of your own death, remind yourself that
Coming into Acceptance Task 7 Practice Acceptance Elizabeth Kubler Ross did a study of dying patients and came up with
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