Forgiveness Task 1
What is Forgiveness? Task 1 What is forgiveness? “The Lord regenerates us from Divine Mercy. This is done from our
What is Forgiveness? Task 1 What is forgiveness? “The Lord regenerates us from Divine Mercy. This is done from our
Why Forgive? Task 2 Why forgive? One of the biggest problems about forgiveness is that we feel, perhaps
How Do We Forgive? Task 3 “A person who leads a life of charity and faith practices repentance daily; the
Forgiving Another Person Task 4 “When the Lord said that we should forgive our brother or sister not until seven
Forgive Self Task 5 Forgiving ourselves may be our hardest task. When we look at something we have done, we
Asking Forgiveness from God Task 6 “The Lord never tires of forgiving. It is we who tire of asking for
Forgiving God Task 7 Tragedies are sometimes called acts of God. We can think of many examples, such as
Lifetime Task Task 8 Plants are sorted into large groups, called Families. These in turn are broken into sub-groups, called
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