Remind yourself that you have a body and are not your body
We have a meditation that says that we have feelings and are not our feelings, that we have thoughts and are not our thoughts, and that we have a body, but are not our body. For many this becomes evidently clear in the later stages of life. Jesus said: “The spirt is willing but the flesh is weak.” (Matthew 26:41)
As children we make no distinction between our body and ourselves. The older we get the more we realize that whatever we are, we are not just physical bodies. It seems important to affirm that, especially as our bodies deteriorate.
I had an out-of-body experience as a child. I was lying in bed in a room with a high ceiling. To my amazement I began to float upward, eventually reaching the rafters. I don’t remember looking down at my body but I suppose I did. It was a pleasant experience which I have remembered for about 80 years.